3 Ways to be Meaningful with your Finances|HDM 247

Every year we create resolutions and outline the goals we want to accomplish but here are some things we can do to make those goals more attainable. Especially after such a crazy year at 2020 was for all of us, this new year I want to help you push the reset button to reframe your…

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Making Life and Money Work With Artist Couple BriGuel | HDM 226

HDM 226: Making Life and Money Work With Artist Couple BriGuel

Meet artist couple BriGuel as they talk about how they make life and money work for them in a difficult industry. Have you ever been curious about the behind-the-scenes life of an artist, especially when it comes to money? Get ready, because that’s exactly what this episode is about. BriGuel is an artist couple, producing…

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Letting Pride Go and Asking for Help| HDM 214

HDM 214: Letting Pride Go and Asking for Help with Lorraine Ladish

Letting pride go is hard. Being the mujeres we are we think we can do it all on our own. And yes, we can absolutely do A LOT but no one can do it all–alone that is. Life has its ebbs and flows. Sometimes we find ourselves in a difficult situation where we have to…

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