The Benefits (And Drawbacks) Of Pay Transparency | HDM 327

The Benefits (And Drawbacks) Of Pay Transparency

Have you ever shared how much you earn at work with family or friends? Imagine posting it on social media. That feels scary, right? Well, our guest today did. Pabel Martinez shares with us why he did it, the benefits  (and drawbacks) of his pay transparency and what happened as a result. Pabel Martinez is…

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3 Ways to be Meaningful with your Finances|HDM 247

Every year we create resolutions and outline the goals we want to accomplish but here are some things we can do to make those goals more attainable. Especially after such a crazy year at 2020 was for all of us, this new year I want to help you push the reset button to reframe your…

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A Panel Discussion on Keeping Your Dinero Simple | HDM 216

A Panel Discussion on Keeping Your Dinero Simple | HDM 216

Keeping your dinero simple. Is this even possible? In this episode, you will get different perspectives on how Jannese Torres-Rodriguez and Judy Esber have changed their financial life for the better. We discuss what their finances looked like before the changes, what the turning point in their life was, and how different their finances look…

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