How to Unite Different Money Styles in Your Relationship | HDM 370

How to Unite Different Money Styles in Your Relationship (1)

Money issues test many relationships. But with empathy for your varying money styles, unity is possible. Navigating money conversations is key, whether newly dating or married for years. Learning how to understand each other’s backgrounds, budgeting together, and championing each other’s dreams creates harmony.  Today, Karina Daves provides a fresh approach to foster financial unity…

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How Should Married Couples Split Finances? | HDM 355

#355 - How Should Married Couples Split Finances (2)

Wouldn’t it be ideal if before you got married you were given  all the guides and the instructions on how to manage your finances? In today’s episode, I share what has worked for me and my partner, give you some things to consider so you can make the best decision for your relationship. This way…

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