Money Mindset Shifts to Value Your Financial Power | HDM 239

HDM 239: Money Mindset Shifts to Value Your Financial Power

Have you ever stopped to think about how your upbringing has influenced your mindset around money and how this affects your relationship with money? For many of us as Latinas, we grew up seeing our parents working two jobs to make ends meet and were surrounded by the concept that money was scarce. Let’s be…

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The Journey Towards Loving Your Money (Reina Panel) | HDM 207

HDM 207: The Journey Towards Loving Your Money

The journey towards loving your money takes time. Back on Episode 204 I shared my own perspective on loving your money vs. loving money. In this episode I wanted you to hear different perspectives which is why I invited Laura Fortuna, Claudia Parada and Christina Tello. A little bit about our panelists for this episode: 🙋🏻‍♀️…

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