What it Actually Takes to be Financially Confident | HDM 378

What it Actually Takes to be Financially Confident

This Episode is Brought to you by Cash App Do you feel like you are still lacking what it takes to be financially confident? Even after reading finance books, budgeting, saving and investing? The truth is, you’re missing a few pieces to the puzzle.  Today, I’ll help you fill those gaps so finally you can…

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7 Best Practices to Keep Managing Money Simple | HDM 213

7 Best Practices to Keep Managing Money Simple | HDM 213

Can managing money ever be simple? Money can be overwhelming, frustrating and sometimes we don’t want to deal with it. The reality is what we are feeling is…just that—what we are feeling. We need to be able to set those feelings aside long enough so we can get to work and make a difference in that bank…

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How This One Thing Will Boost or Plummet Your Belief | HDM 200

HDM 200: How This One Thing Will Boost or Plummet Your Belief

In the last episode, we discussed the role belief, mindset, and confidence have in the results we have in our financial life. This week we dive more into money stories and their impact in our financial life and how they are intertwined with belief, mindset and confidence and vice versa. What you’ll learn about in…

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