7 Best Practices to Keep Managing Money Simple | HDM 213

7 Best Practices to Keep Managing Money Simple | HDM 213

Can managing money ever be simple? Money can be overwhelming, frustrating and sometimes we don’t want to deal with it. The reality is what we are feeling is…just that—what we are feeling. We need to be able to set those feelings aside long enough so we can get to work and make a difference in that bank…

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The Journey Towards Loving Your Money (Reina Panel) | HDM 207

HDM 207: The Journey Towards Loving Your Money

The journey towards loving your money takes time. Back on Episode 204 I shared my own perspective on loving your money vs. loving money. In this episode I wanted you to hear different perspectives which is why I invited Laura Fortuna, Claudia Parada and Christina Tello. A little bit about our panelists for this episode: 🙋🏻‍♀️…

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Loving Your Money vs Loving Money | HDM 204

HDM 204: Loving Your Money vs Loving Money

The sheer thought of loving your money may bring some not so enjoyable feelings. We weren’t taught to love money, in fact, there are many of us that got many messages of how loving your money meant greed and how you shouldn’t hoard your money. If this is you, press play now as it will…

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How This One Thing Will Boost or Plummet Your Belief | HDM 200

HDM 200: How This One Thing Will Boost or Plummet Your Belief

In the last episode, we discussed the role belief, mindset, and confidence have in the results we have in our financial life. This week we dive more into money stories and their impact in our financial life and how they are intertwined with belief, mindset and confidence and vice versa. What you’ll learn about in…

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