Financially Strong Latina in Audio Form

What it Means to be Financially Strong and Why it is Within Your Reach | FSLAUDIO

Financially Strong Latina was Sponsored by AARP The first-ever Financially Strong Latina- a virtual event series was a huge success! There were three sessions that happened on March 18th, March 25th, and April 1st, 2021. We had over 2700 people registered which was very exciting and humbling. Here is what some of our attendees had…

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How to Navigate Money Being a DACA Recipient | HDM 261

How to Navigate Money Being a DACA Recipient | HDM 261

Navigating money doesn’t look the same for everyone. Being a DACA recipient has certain considerations that are non-existent for others. Not everyone has the same opportunities, but all of us have the opportunity to work hard for what we want. For example, today you are going to hear about a DACA recipient shares with us…

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