Tackling Those Unplanned Expenses with AARP Money Map | HDM 228

Tackling Those Unplanned Expenses with AARP Money Map | HDM 228

This episode is sponsored by AARP. Navigating challenging financial situations is something we will encounter through the course of our lives. There will always be a solution to these challenges and sometimes those solutions take a while to figure out. Fortunately for you and me, AARP has done a lot of the heavy lifting and…

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A Journey Towards Financial Resilience | HDM 198

HDM 198: Financial Resilience and Defeating Underearning with Kara Perez

Have you ever heard the story of someone who managed to overcome a dire financial situation and immediately thought “I would love to know how they did it”? I know I have! As any curious human would do, I’m always on the lookout for stories that showcase what others have done to overcome hurdles, especially…

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