Harnessing the Power of Believing in Yourself | HDM 199

HDM 199: Why It Pays Big to Believe, What You Need to Know

Did you know that believing in your capacity to make things happen (aka, believing in yourself) plays a huge role in the outcome of your projects and plans? It may not seem like a big deal, but a lack of belief can actually hinder you in ways that are hard to calculate with a simple spreadsheet. In this episode, I’ll share with you why belief in yourself is so important and what to do to cultivate this skill.

Have you ever had a project in which you meticulously planned every step? In fact, everything was so well thought out in advance that you were certain this thing was going to turn out to be nothing short of amazing…except it didn’t. And now, with the advantage of hindsight on your side, you can finally start to see there was indeed a missing ingredient: belief. Or to be more specific: a lack of belief in yourself (and your skills).

A lack of belief that, more often than not, translates into a lack of trust in your ability to make things happen. 

In this episode, we are going to dig deep and discuss what’s the role of belief in your everyday life and what you can do to harness its power. 

What you’ll learn about in today’s episode:

  • The difference between belief, mindset, and confidence. 
  • How beliefs impact your work and the way you carry yourself in the world. 
  • What to do if you’re stuck in the lack of belief cycle.

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P.S. ¡GRACIAS por escuchar! THANKS for listening!

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The post, Harnessing the Power of Believing in Yourself | HDM 199 appeared first on the Her Dinero Matters Podcast

HDM 199: Why It Pays Big to Believe, What You Need to Know