A 4-Step Financial Checklist to Spring Clean Your Finances | HDM 347

When it comes to organizing our lives, we all have our ways and secret hacks… but in my opinion, nothing will ever beat the joys of having a realistic, well-thought checklist supporting your daily musings. No matter what my goals are, when I have them properly laid out in a list, magical things happen. If you are the type of person who also thrives when a handy checklist is provided, and you’ve been wanting to do some financial re-organization, I’ve got you covered. In this episode, I will share the 4-step checklist that I regularly use to review my finances whenever I feel some extra organization may be in order.
When was the last time you had an incredibly productive day? The kind of day when the stars magically align and, out of the blue, you become a task-crushing machine that just makes stuff happen? I’ll be the first to admit that, for me, a day like this doesn’t happen as often as I would like, but regardless of that one thing is certain: the productivity gods do tend to visit more when I plan my day with intention.
And that planning usually involves a carefully curated checklist.
Whether it is for tackling my list of regular chores, getting a headstart on an important project, or doing a healthy dose of financial reviewing, checklists are an essential tool in my planning kit. And because I know so many of us have the nagging tendency to postpone tasks that we perceive as complex or time-consuming, especially when it comes to finances (yes Tax Filing, I’m looking at you), I’ve created a 4-step checklist that will allow you to do a quick but thorough overview of the current state of your finances.
What you’ll learn about in today’s episode:
- Why you should consider using a checklist to organize yourself and stay on track with all the different aspects of your finances.
- Insights on how to set up realistic and achievable goals.
- My tested-and-tried 4-step checklist that will help you advance your finances.
You can also watch or listen on YouTube!
Resources from this episode:
Learn more about how to make sure you get your tax withholding right: https://www.irs.gov/newsroom/tax-withholding-how-to-get-it-right
Requesting your credit report with an ITIN (Individual Taxpayer Identification Number): https://www.self.inc/blog/how-to-check-credit-score-with-itin-number
Understanding what is on a credit report: https://www.myfico.com/credit-education/credit-reports
How to dispute an error on your credit report: https://www.consumerfinance.gov/ask-cfpb/how-do-i-dispute-an-error-on-my-credit-report-en-314/
Interested in learning more about how you can get emails throughout the year with other simple checklists to follow? Learn more here: jenhemphill.com/checklist
Related Her Dinero Matters episodes you may enjoy:
#94- The Real Misunderstanding About Budget Which No One Talks About
#334 – Use this Simple Financial Checklist for the New Year
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No hay nada mejor que respirar aire limpio y fresco luego de completar la limpieza de primavera ¿verdad? Imagina aplicar la misma técnica, ¡pero con tus finanzas! Puede parecer o sonar complicado, pero créeme, es más simple de lo que imaginas. En el episodio de hoy, te mostraré cómo puedes lograr claridad financiera y experimentar el mismo sentimiento de satisfacción que sientes al organizar tu hogar.
Como sabrás, abril no sólo marca el inicio de la primavera sino que también es el mes de la educación financiera. Con eso en mente, así como tomamos el tiempo de organizar y limpiar nuestro hogar, también podemos hacer lo mismo con nuestras finanzas. Para ello, hice una lista de 4 áreas de tus finanzas, más algunos simples pasos que puedes seguir y organizar estos aspectos de tu vida financiera.
Ten la seguridad que mi intención no es complicar las cosas, verás que encontrarás estos pasos sencillos pero altamente efectivos.
Lo que aprenderás en este episodio:
- Por qué deberías considerar usar una lista para organizarte y mantenerte al día de todos los aspectos de tus finanzas.
- Los pasos exactos para monitorear tu crédito de manera gratuita.
- Razones para considerar ajustar tu retención de impuestos.
¡También puedes verlo o escucharlo en YouTube!
Recursos de este episodio:
Aprende más sobre cómo asegurarte de tener tu retención de impuesto de manera correcta: https://www.irs.gov/newsroom/tax-withholding-how-to-get-it-right
Solicitando tu reporte de crédito con un ITIN: (Individual Taxpayer Identification Number) https://www.self.inc/blog/how-to-check-credit-score-with-itin-number
Comprendiendo lo que está en un reporte de crédito: https://www.myfico.com/credit-education/credit-reports
Cómo disputar un error en tu reporte de crédito: https://www.consumerfinance.gov/ask-cfpb/how-do-i-dispute-an-error-on-my-credit-report-en-314/
¿Está interesada/o en obtener más información sobre cómo recibir correos electrónicos durante todo el año con otras listas simples a seguir? Aprende más aquí: jenhemphill.com/checklist
#94- The Real Misunderstanding About Budget Which No One Talks About
#334 – Use this Simple Financial Checklist for the New Year
#87 – The Number One Rule to Beat FOMO With Jody Flynn
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The post, A 4-Step Financial Checklist to Spring Clean Your Finances | HDM 347 appeared first on the Her Dinero Matters Podcast.