How She Became the Crafty Chica | HDM 302

How She Became the Crafty Chica (2)

Are you afraid that if you don’t follow a traditional and stable career you are going to be struggling financially because of the “there is no money in that” mentality? There are ways to have a successful creative career and at the same time to be financially stable. If you are interested in following a…

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Giving Yourself Permission to Evolve and Grow | HDM 299

#299 - Giving Yourself Permission to Evolve and Grow

All of your experiences, stories, and lessons got you to where you are now, including your financial journey. Even if you don’t realize it, the way you act around money or finances today is largely due to the things you learned, heard or watched when you were younger, but this is not written in stone.…

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How to Find Your Voice and Change Your Life | HDM 292

#292 - How to Find Your Voice and Change Your Life

Have you ever thought or do you think that if you were born poor you died poor? Generational poverty is at the root of many of our traumas. You can build the life you’ve always dreamed of, no matter where you came from or where you are at in your money journey. The important thing…

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