Essential Wisdom To Use When You Feel Broke | HDM 182

HDM 182: How to Stop Being Broke and Thrive with Angelina Rosario

If you’ve ever felt broken, you know there’s probably nothing worse than the collection of anxious, self-defeating thoughts (and ensuing feelings) that fall upon you every time you realize you’re broke and can’t afford a basic expense, whether it is rent or just essential groceries. But, what if there was a mental switch that you…

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Impostor Syndrome and Your Financial Life with Michelle Gomez | HDM 174

HDM 174: Impostor Syndrome and Your Financial Life with Michelle Gomez

Impostor syndrome is not fun to battle. defines it as: Anxiety or self-doubt that results from persistently undervaluing one’s competence and activerole in achieving success, while falsely attributing one’s accomplishments to luck or other external forces. Not only do we get to know the experience Michelle Gomez had with impostor syndrome but as well as…

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Her Mother’s Money Stacks and Lessons Learned with Monica Rivera

HDM 30: Her Mother's Money Stacks and Lessons Learned with Monica Rivera

Have you ever organized that money by doing money stacks? This is what Monica Rivera’s mother did. Observing this as a kid allowed Monica to gain a meaningful perspective around money. What you’ll learn about in today’s episode: The details behind her mother’s money stacks and what she learned from them The differences in her…

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