Beliefs and Values: The Key to Your Financial Success? | HDM 288

Values and Our Money, Why We Should Pay Attention

Have you ever felt disconnected from your money? As if you and your wallet had nothing in common? Maybe you have even caught yourself saying things like “It’s just money, we’ll be ok” whenever you lose some, or “I’ll figure something out” when, financially, things don’t go as planned. The weirdest thing is that, even if today you are not in a financially tough spot, money is not exactly flowing into your hands. If this disconnect rings true, would you believe me if I said that a lack of clarity about your values and beliefs around money might be the main culprit? Well, today’s episode might make you change your mind. 

At this stage of the game, we all have a general idea of how important values and beliefs are in our daily lives, especially when it comes to all things money management. In fact, for most people, the relationship that exists between them and their money depends almost entirely on the type of beliefs they have about it. 

Do you see money as a source of conflict and future anxiety? Then dealing with your finances may not be your favorite activity in the world. Of course, the opposite is also true: if you believe that money is a tool that can help you maximize your impact, you’ll be eager to learn more. So, what can you do if your current money beliefs and values need a lil’  overhaul? 

For this week’s episode, I had an enlightening conversation with Pedro Sanchez Jr, a leadership and financial coach with a huge mission: empower the Latino community through financial literacy. Pedro shared with us why values and beliefs around money are crucial for having healthy finances and what you can do to elevate yours.

What you’ll learn about in today’s episode:

  • All about Pedro’s core values and their origin story.
  • Why Pedro decided to teach financial literacy to the Latino community.
  • Pedro’s take on the biggest financial challenges in the community

Want To Listen To Certain Parts Of The Episode?

Hover Over The Minute Mark Below And It Will Take You To That Part Immediately. 🙌🏽

Pedro’s upbringing and lessons/experiences around money. [2:27]

How Pedro got out of consumer debt on one income. [5:30]

What Pedro’s core values are and where they come from. [12:57]

What this core values mean to him and why are they important. [14:43]

What led him to get into financial coaching. [18:31]

Why Pedro decided to teach financial literacy to the Latino community. [21:02]

What Pedro feels are the biggest financial challenges are for the Latino community. [24:43]

What “Lo que Dios quiera” means to Pedro. [28:18]

Resources From This Episode:

Pedro on Instagram: @psanchezjr1

Grab your copy of my  Daily Dinero Ritual and increase your money confidence (it’s free). You can join our community (and receive our weekly newsletters) just by grabbing it.

For all of those financially strong women who want to keep learning and taking control of their finances here is what you were asking for! Financially Strong Latina – La Membresía enrollment now open.  JOIN HERE! 

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Related Her Dinero Matters episodes you may enjoy 

#269: The Truth About the Financial Challenges Little People Face.

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This episode has been brought to you by McDonald’s


I want to hear from you!  What was your favorite takeaway from this episode? Come on over to @Jenhemphill on Instagram and share it with us there.

Abrazos + Much Love,


P.S. ¡GRACIAS por escuchar! THANKS for listening!

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The post, Values and Our Money, Why We Should Pay Attention | HDM 288 appeared first on the Her Dinero Matters Podcast.

Values and Our Money, Why We Should Pay Attention