Acknowledging How Far You Have Come | HDM 313
As Latinos, we tend to believe that it is not feasible to generate wealth, due our own experience which sets our own standard of what is achievable. One key factor is acknowledging how far we have come which helps to change our mentality from scarcity to one of abundance.The other key factor is knowing your…
Read MoreRising Above Generational Poverty | HDM 312
Generational poverty is very real and changing this cycle can start with you! When we come from a money journey where there is not much or the scarcity mindset abounds, it is easy to follow that same course, because “we are supposed to” and we believe that “it is all we got”. However, we can…
Read More5 Hábitos Para Mejorar Tus Finanzas Y Cómo Practicarlos | HDM 311
¿Cómo te sientes hoy con respecto a tus finanzas? En muchas ocasiones nos desanimamos por la situación actual por la que estamos atravesando, pero es importante estar conscientes que todo es un proceso y que, si incluimos ciertos hábitos a nuestra rutina diaria, muchas cosas pueden cambiar y mejorar. Es por ello, que en este…
Read MoreDaily Practices to Unlearn Cultural Limiting Beliefs and Thrive as a Result | HDM 310
Have you ever had the feeling that it’s not a matter of how much money we make or how hard we work; the scarcity mentality keeps haunting us? This is not uncommon, because for many years this is the kind of mentality that has always been culturally implanted in us. However, if we dedicate a…
Read MoreHow a Strategic Inaction Can Help You to Achieve More by Doing Less | HDM 309
We all go through moments of stress from having a lot on our plate. Our overly busy lives can prevent us from thinking clearly which doesn’t allow us to make the best decisions. In this episode we learn about strategic inaction and how it can help us achieve more by doing less. As you listen…
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