Do You Need More Money? A Life Lesson | HDM 191

HDM 191: Life Lessons From Living in Deplorable Conditions with Moni Jefferson

Have you ever had the realization that things would be far, far better if you just had more money? I honestly believe that, at some point in our lives, we’ve all had this aha moment, but not everyone will react to it in the same way. In this week’s episode, Moni Jefferson will share with us one of the most inspirational stories you’ve ever heard on risk-taking and incredible financial growth.

When was the first time you realized things cost money? The question may sound weird, but it actually refers back to a huge milestone in our journey to responsible adulthood: finally understanding that independent living requires some serious buying power. 

While most people learn this lesson early on in life (hello, turbulent teen years), others have to learn this later in life due to all sorts of life circumstances. Moni Jefferson falls within the second category. Coming from a family where money was simply not a topic of conversation, early on she and her husband struggled big time to make ends meet.

That is when a BIG realization hit her like a ton of bricks, and her life hasn’t been the same ever since.

What you’ll learn about in today’s episode:

  • How living in a roach-infested apartment forced her to change her perspective about money.
  • Moni’s journey into entrepreneurship and the big lessons she got out of it.
  • Her experience in owning 9 properties, what she learned and what she is doing now.

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Pregunta of the Week:

🤔 What did Moni do after bouncing that rent check for the nice condo they lived in? 🤔

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Abrazos + Much Love,


P.S. ¡GRACIAS por escuchar! THANKS for listening!

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The post, Do You Need More Money? A Life Lesson | HDM 191 appeared first on the Her Dinero Matters Podcast

HDM 191: Life Lessons From Living in Deplorable Conditions with Moni Jefferson