How to Rewire Your Brain and Grow Your Money | HDM 248

How to Rewire Your Brain and Grow Your Money Barbara Huson | HDM 248

Have you ever wondered how our brains are connected to our money? There is a huge correlation between what we have in our minds, the thoughts we let in, and our behavior, especially when it comes to money and our mindset.

Barbara Huson is a leader in the space of financial wellbeing and empowering women with their money. She is here to share with us her incredible journey and provide us with tangible and practical ways to train your mind to rewire your brain and grow your money!

What you’ll learn about in today’s episode:

  • How Barbara’s money story began at only 3 years old!
  • Her 3 simple steps to train your mind to rewire your brain
  • The 4-pronged approach to wealth

3 Simple Steps to Train your Mind to Rewire your Brain

These are the steps that Barbara shares with us and she goes a little deeper to explain how to go about taking each step through an example in the episode.

#1: Recognize

You need to first recognize those thoughts that you are having and isolate that thought and understand that it is just a thought. Once you recognize the thought you can actually isolate yourself from it and observe it as a bystander without judgment or criticism. It will be easier to know that it is not true, it is not a fact. All thoughts are wired in our brain or conditioned somehow!

#2: Reframe

How can I see this differently? Once you reframe that thought, even if you don’t believe it right away, but you change even the words to reframe that thought, you are rewiring your brain to help you realize that whatever you told yourself you couldn’t do, you CAN actually do and you did it!

#3: Respond Differently

Think about how you would usually respond to that thought coming to your mind, and after you have reframed it, respond differently. If there is something that is new and you feel afraid and think “I can’t do this, I have never done it!” then just separate yourself from that thought and reframe it to say, “I can do this!” and just start doing it, the best way you possibly can. If your usual response would be to just freeze and not do it due to that fearful thought, then respond differently and actually do it!

Our Brains are Lazy!

These steps are simple yet even Barbara admits that they can be difficult, and it is challenging. Our brains are very lazy and that is why we always want to take the path of least resistance. When your brain has a thought it releases chemicals, and when you go to change that thought, you actually go through withdrawal from those chemicals and that is what causes the stress we feel.

Barbara also mentions that repetition is the key! In the beginning, it will be hard but keep at it. Selective Attention will also be super helpful. Selective attention refers to “selecting” what you will focus your attention on and that is what will get wired into your brain. So if you turn your attention into those positive thoughts and focus on, “I CAN do this!” then that is what your brain will get wired to.

Rewire Your Brain for Financial Success

Barbara believes there is a 4-pronged process to Financial success which includes:
Outer work of wealth:
Where we all start is with the outer work, how to plan for retirement, how to negotiate a raise, all those important topics we need to learn about.
Inner work of wealth:
When you get stuck or can’t move forward, that is when the inner work begins. The inner work is exploring your beliefs and values and your decisions around money.
Higher work of wealth:
Comes in when as women we are financially stable and we understand that of course, we want to make more money but making more money is not what motivates us. We find that what really motivates us is having a purpose, and how we can use our money to help others and make a difference in the world. We all have a purpose, but you can’t pursue your purpose if you are struggling to make ends meet.
Deeper work of wealth:
The mind and body connection and that is why rewiring your brain is so important.

Wealth comes not from what you earn but from what you do with that money! – Barbara Huson


Resources From This Episode:

If you loved this episode with Barbara, make sure to connect with her, visit  

**Barbara’s book: Rewire for Wealth: Three Steps Any Woman Can Take to Program Her Brain for Financial Success

**Please note the link is an affiliate link so I may receive a small commission if you purchase**

Click here to watch this episode on YouTube!

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Abrazos + Much Love,


P.S. ¡GRACIAS por escuchar! THANKS for listening!

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The post, How to Rewire Your Brain and Grow Your Money | HDM 248 appeared first on the Her Dinero Matters Podcast.

How to Rewire Your Brain and Grow Your Money Barbara Huson | HDM 248