Diferencias Culturales and Financial Decisions With Elle Martinez

Nuestras diferencias culturales puede afectar nuestras decisiones financieras.
Elle Martinez joins us today and shares her experience in maneuvering a different culture in her marriage, what she has learned and how they have navigated their financial decisions.
Listen to the Episode Below
What You’ll Learn In Today’s Episode:
The significance learning about each other’s money story and differences in cultures had on their marriage and how they handled family matters
3 tips to help you navigate finances with your spouse
Her best piece of wisdom to inspire you as a Latina on your own journey
Resources From This Episode:
Couple Money (Elle’s website)
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Abrazos + Much Love,
P.S. THANK YOU for listening!
The post, Diferencias Culturales and Financial Decisions With Elle Martinez | SDI 7 appeared first on the Su Dinero Importa Podcast